Privacy Statement
Vermeulen Europoort B.V. uses functional, analytical and tracking cookies. A cookie a small text file that is stored by the browser of your pc, tablet and/or smartphone when you visit this website for the first time. Vermeulen Europoort B.V. uses cookies purely for the technical functionality. The cookies ensure that the website works as it has been designed, for example it ensures that your site preferences are being stored. Cookies are also used to make the website perform most efficiently and to optimize the website.
Furthermore we place cookies that keep track of your internet behavior in order to provide you with tailor-made advertisements and content. At your first visit to our website we have already informed you about our cookie policy and asked for your permission. U can cancel your permission by adjusting your browser settings in such a way it does not save cookies any longer.
Also you can delete all previously saved information within the settings section of your internet browser. For more information about cookies please visit:
On this website cookies are also being placed by third parties. These are for example advertisers and/or social media companies. Below you can find an overview: [Example: Cookie: Googly Analytics Naam: _utma Functie: Analytische cookie die websitebezoek meet Bewaartermijn: 2 jaar ]
Viewing, adjusting or removing data
You have the right to view, adjust or remove your personal data. Furthermore you have the right to revoke your permission for data processing and/or to object against the way of processing of your personal data by Vermeulen Europoort, also you have the right to a data transfer. This means that you can file a request at Vermeulen Europoort in order to have your personal data transferred as a document to you, or an organization of your choosing. You can send a request for viewing, correcting, transfer, removal and/or any other things related to your personal data to
To ensure that a request related to your personal data has been placed by you and not by somebody else we kindly ask you to send a copy of your identification with the request. Please black out your photograph, MRZ (machine readable zone), numbers at the bottom, passport number and Burgerservicenummer (BSN). This is to ensure your privacy. We will reply as soon as possible, but within 4 weaks, to your request.
Vermeulen Europoort would like to point you at the possibility to file a complaint with the national supervisor, the “Authoriteit persoonsgegevens”. This can be done by using the following link:
How do we keep personal data safe?
Vermeulen Europoort B.V. is taking sufficient measures to ensure that your personal data is secured against abuse, loss, unauthorized access, publication and/or unauthorized adjustment. If you have the impression that Vermeulen Europoort dos not take this security seriously enough or when you have indications of abuse of your personal data, please reach out to our service desk or email: