20 MAY 2020 \\ NEWS
Larzep on tour
Since several months Vermeulen Europoort is now visiting, as official certified as Larzep dealer, clients with the specially equipped Larzep van. The Larzep van, stickered in Larzep green, is fully equipped with hydraulic larzep products which can be used for demonstrations. Our trained specialists can provide a short presentation about the possibilities with Larzep hydraulic tools.
Larzep is part of the Enerpac family which sets the benchmark for the hydraulic market. Since Larzep was founded in 1940 it has been active in over 30 countries throughout the world with their products that comply with the highest standards.
The Larzep demonstration is intended for technical departments and/or related departments of companies within our client base. The demonstration will take about 30 minutes and gets your employees up to speed with the possibilities of Larzep Hydraul tools.
Would you like to know more about Larzep, download the brochure.